3695 Buford Hwy | Duluth, GA 30096 | (678) 944-8983 | maricelachavez77@gmail.com
Home of the Fair, Good, and Great Deals
Home of the Fair, Good, and Great Deals
Home of the Fair, Good, and Great Deals
At Southern Star Automotive, Inc., we have the friendliest, highly trained, professional, courteous, ethical, staff and sales associates.
We use cutting edge technology for our pricing & stocking research and back it up with real time market data when you visit our dealership.
You always get our best price right upfront, no time wasted haggling and negotiating. Everyone gets the same rock-bottom deal!
"No Hassle. No Haggle. Just Amazing Deals." – That's more than just our company motto. That is OUR PROMISE to you.
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